There's a lot to like about a sexy Aries man. So, if you have a Ram in your sights, you're probably wondering whether he'll be into you. Aries men are fiery and passionate, and they're most attracted to a partner who makes them work for it a little — they thrive on competition and love the chase. Competing for a woman's affections and coming out the victor entices an Aries man. Discover what Aries men like in a woman to see if you're someone he'll want to chase.
Aries Men Want a Woman They Can Pursue
Aries men are totally turned on by winning — and it's not unheard of for them to view the quest for love just like they would any other competition. He loves a good game that involves flirting, chasing you, and possibly "winning" you from another. If you catch his eye, the chase is on, and he can be like a little boy who'll do anything to get your attention.
He Wants Somebody Who's Beautiful With Substance
A virile Aries man is first attracted to beauty. If he finds you beautiful (and different men have different tastes), then you'll definitely spark his interest. If your beauty aligns with his aesthetic, it's a great start, but an Aries man wants substance to back it up. If there's no inner beauty to go along with your good looks, he won't stick around for long.
He's Seeking an Energetic Woman
Aries men are strong with high energy levels. They seek women who can keep up with their active lifestyle, including nighttime entertainment and daytime action. Aries is a romantic who enjoys lavishing his lover with attention and all the nuances of old-fashioned courting. He wants a woman who can appreciate his romantic charm while being a modern woman of her time.
He Likes a Flirt

Aries enjoys sex and the flirtatious dance of first encounters. He's an expert at knowing what to say and how to look at a woman to make her feel as though she's the only woman in the world and certainly the sexiest in his eyes. Aries men invented the heated look that can make you blush. This is the fun part of the chase that Aries desires whenever he meets someone new.
It's a Bonus if You're Witty and Charming
If you're witty, charming, and able to hold your own in an exchange with Aries, you're way ahead of the game. A good sense of humor is a turn-on for Aries because your mental agility will intrigue him. Aries is charmed by tender touches, lilting laughter, and sincere compliments, so make sure your words aren't barbed or cruel. An Aries man won't be ridiculed or disparaged. He's also a champion for the underdog and doesn't allow anyone to belittle another person.
Aries Is Attracted to Artsy Women With an Appreciation for Beauty
Aries appreciates the finer things in life, especially the arts. He probably collects art, especially that of local artists. If you're an artist or involved in the local art scene, chances are you'll meet your Aries lover through one of these venues. If you enjoy the symphony, open mike clubs, or impromptu jam sessions just as much as an evening at an art gallery, Aries will be thrilled. His ideal is a sophisticated yet worldly woman who can share his many interests.
Enthusiasm for Sports Is Always a Plus
Aries is a sports enthusiast and enjoys watching and playing sports, and he's definitely hoping his life partner shares this enthusiasm. So, if you have a genuine interest in sports, it could keep him interested.
He's Looking for Someone Fit to Share His Adventures
Aries, like any warrior, realizes the importance of being in good physical shape. You might find him at a local sports club where he has a regular training program. An Aries man is a competitor who's drawn to physically challenge himself. He desires a mate who enjoys being in top physical shape so you can go on adventures together.
He Hopes You're Successful and Career-Oriented
Aries wants his mate to be involved in a successful career. He holds high esteem for business acumen because it's a visible demonstration of independence, intelligence, and your ability to contribute to something larger than yourself. An Aries man is a natural leader and desires his mate to mirror these strengths.
Being Good With Kids Is Important

An Aries man loves kids, so he loves a woman who is great with children. Don't let the Don Juan and Casanova Aries types fool you. An Aries man can settle down in a monogamous relationship and sustain a long-term partnership. He's driven to create a family and home, but he needs the perfect mate to share the adventure with him.
Aries Desires a Match of Equals
As you can see, the kind of woman Aries chooses for his mate must be his equal in almost every way. He'll cherish your individuality and enjoy your quick wit. He'll protect your love and remain loyal as long as you prove your devotion to him is based on true feelings.